Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm back!

Time for a new layout and some renovations. Will start this tomorrow. In the mean time, if you haven't read 50 shades of gray read it now.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


hey kids, sorry i haven't updated lately. i have a few things to post, that i will get to asap. i just have got a lot going on. So I will post everything as soon as I have some time. now back to homework....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wacky and Wonderful Wednesday


This anti piracy act they are trying to pass....not ok. 
My crazy busy week
My anxiety due to the crazy busy week.. no bueno.
I keep missing the UPS guy or Fedex guy or what not. meaning I come home to their little note on the door and i have to sign so they will leave it the next day! 
am i the only one that thinks american idol has run its course and needs to just give up? you made it 11 seasons. congrats. now stop.


Left my house late to school and I made every single traffic light. annnddd a girl missed a close parking spot and therefore i got it. I had time to bring snacks to the boy and still make it to class on time. oh yea. 
my week is almost over and i have a chill weekend ahead of me. 
finding a tea that may help my tummy issues.
my shows came back this week!! 
boyfriend putting up with my crazy this week. love you babe. 
i can eat again!!

Sweet Potato Soup with Healthy Biscuits

First off. I have had a crazy week and I'm so glad its almost over. Second. Make sure you sign the petition against SOPA and PIPA antipiracy act that they are trying to pass. Sign here.

Ok  now moving on to more important matters like this INCREDIBLE soup. I have made a couple of the recipes off of Tadka Pasta's blog and I haven't made something I didn't like. This soup did take more time than i would have liked for a weekday however it was worth it. Next time i would get the potato and bell peppers roasted and pureed ahead of time. (takes 45 mins) Also, I wanted it a little more creamy so I added about a tablespoon of heavy cream that I had on hand. 

Healthy Biscuits. yep I said it. These were easy to make and so good. I made them with gluten free AP baking flour and it worked just fine. However you have to watch them very closely if using GF flour. I have found that it cooks much faster than regular flour. These only took 5 min to cook rather than 15. They turned out so well! I cut down the butter to 2 tablespoons and it was perfect. The addition of yogurt instead of eggs or milk was brilliant. You couldn't tell a difference and it made these much healthier. I was very pleased. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bagel sandwich

Ok, so as some of you know, i have celiac disease and therefore can't eat gluten. So im on a quest to find gluten free food items that are tasty. Well i went on a bagel adventure. I found these bagels at the store and decided to give them a shot. well...they weren't the best. So. i toasted them. better. put butter on each side and made a grilled cheese type of sandwich. EPIC. 
Apparently you add fat to anything and its amazing. go figure.

i used chive and onion cream cheese, tomato and butter to grill it. 
not a low fat meal

{Here is my inspiration for this masterpiece}

Martin Luther King Day

Well its my day off from school and i had the most amazing time with the love of my life.
Here are a few pics to wrap up the weekend

{new (fewdaysold) manicure}

{ignore my strange pinky. Old ring that was my grandmothers}